Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Final Days

Today marks Day 9. Only one more day to go. I'm quite proud of myself for getting this far. Just a few things that I'd like to note about this experience -- things I'll continue...things I'm pleasantly surprised by...things I'm excited for once it's over.

I pledge to continue:
- to have lemon water be the first thing that enters my bod in the morning. It's a great way to kick start your hydration for the day, it breaks down mucus (barf. hate that word), and alkalizes your tissues (whatever that actually means). Plus, water is supposed to be the first thing you ingest for the day -- not tea, not coffee, not breakfast, not whiskey (wait...).
- to drink a million oz of water a day to "keep things moving" nicely.
- to use rosemary & grapefruit body oil each morning post shower in place of lotion. These particular essential oils boost circulation.
- to buy sprouted bread vs. regular whole grain bread. The extra protein keeps you more full, longer. Can't pass that up.
- to eat every 2-3 hours. Keeps your metabolism up obviously, but also stops you from getting too hungry and overeating
- to plan my meals (for the most part). In order to eat so frequently, you have to have a plan. Otherwise you'll skip meals/snacks and/or order a grilled cheese with bacon for lunch (wait, maybe that's just me...).
- to make quinoa frequently. High in protein for a girl who doesn't eat a ton of meat AND delicious!!!
- to make my lunch and dinner meals consist of 2/3's veggies
- to NEVER EVER EVER eat 5-6 shitake mushrooms on toasted, dry sprouted bread for breakfast AGAIN.

I am pleasantly surprised by: 
- my lack of urges for bad foods. For instance, last night Jeremy was painting the basement and wanted a Banana Milkshake. My first reaction was "REALLY?!" And then I wanted to slam his head in the Turtle Dove paint can. But my second reaction was "Wait. I don't have any interest in a milkshake." So I made it. Piece of cake (or shake?).
- how clean my kitchen has been. Because of all of the prep work involved with the detox, I have no choice but to leave my kitchen 100% clean at the end of the day, ready for the next. That includes all pots, pans, necessary utensils, and appliances.
- how much energy I have. Hope that continues. I think it has to do with going to bed early, not drinking, eating frequently, etc. All good things!
- the positive reaction I've received from many people -- co-workers, husbot, friends, facebook peeps, etc.
- the pounds I've dropped. Can't complain there!!

I am excited for:

- Casey's Greek Salad w/ Grilled Chicken as my first non-cleanse dinner. Their chicken is...I have no words. It's indescribable.
- PB&J, as previously mentioned.
- Friday happy hour and celebrating with a beverage! Long time no see, Cab-Sav.
- the general knowledge I've gained and habits I've been taught. Thank you to my friend Kate for sharing and to the Nutritionist at Whole Foods!


  1. Oh wow, I have to steal a bunch of those ideas. I love quinoia and that grapefruit and rosemary oil sounds bomb diggy. How the heck do you find sprouted bread? I'm picturing a piece of bread with little clovers popping out of it ;)

  2. em your face looks bright and slim! GOOD JOB YOU!

  3. just stumbled upon your blog and this is by far my favorite!

  4. Yay Rachhh! So glad you enjoyed :) miss you love you MUAH!
