Since June 2011 (the 14th to be exact). I've realized my potential as a strong, fit 28 year old woman (ROAR!). A feeling that was slowly fleeting over the last 3-4 years. Yes, coincidentally around the time I met my now husband. Hey - it happens! You get comfy and you get familiar and you get routine'd and you get?? Chubby. Ding, ding, ding we have a winner!! Or, you over indulge, as I also did, resulting in????? You got it... Double-chub!
Clothes might still 'fit' and pictures might still look 'ok', but you know deep down...well...shit's changing. You have a few options: 1) Get out in front of it. Get off your ass. Create a calorie deficit in order to drop. "Stay hungry". or B) Say screw it and abuse the Monday night Burger special, Taco Tuesday, Wingday Wednesday (mmmmm forever a weakness of mine) and Thirsty Thursday 2 for 1 pumpkin ales. We all know the latter's not REALLY an option though. At least not forever. And not for all of us.
MODERATION. BALANCE. Yup. Words we've all spoken and tried to live. Can be easier said than done. And until I met my influencer, they were words that I struggled to make daily realities.
This brief, later-than-usual post (we all know I need my sleep and a LOT of it) is meant to do whatever it can to thank a very special woman, trainer and now friend of mine. She inspires and energizes and positively influences hundreds of people - both men and women alike - at the gym, online, in her own family, and I'd bet just in the everyday lives of strangers that randomly and thankfully cross her blazing path. She helps many, just like me, realize their own potential physically, mentally, emotionally,... life potential in general...and it's extremely powerful. So powerful its been tough to not blog about it on the daily to be honest (beyond FB, Twitter, etc.).
Thank you, Charlie. Thanks for effecting permanent change & for bringing it like you do every day.
you look SO fab! tiny little parakeet :)