Wednesday, March 14, 2012

No Better TIme Than NOW.

As humans, we tend to wait until rock bottom, or unbearable, or obese, or death-bed sick before we make a move to make a change. This applies to mental health, physical well being, careers, relationships. It applies to everything in our existence. Why is this? What is it that triggers the snowball effect veering unstably toward relative rock bottom, which often times is the only catalyst for evolvement away from the negative, unhealthy behaviors? It's shocking, in retrospect, that an earlier adjustment wasn't made. But in the midst of the high speed chase toward worse, we can't see beyond our peripheral horse blinders (or even right in front of our faces for that matter). It's perplexing.

Because of a handful of recent circumstances at The Carter House and beyond, I've pondered this a lot lately. Is it that we're satisfied with mediocrity instead of optimal circumstances? I really just don't want to believe that. Or are we innately terrified of change so we just 'deal' until that inevitable, unstoppable tipping point in one direction or another makes the choice for us?

I certainly don't know the answer but I am working to understand myself as I relate to this conundrum of a topic, and ideally evolve AWAY from this pattern. Even by a degree or so would be progress. Keeping perspective, looking outside of ones own self, fearing change less, and accepting advice from others are three key tactics for me.

Back in January I posted about seizing the day and wanting to stop TALKING about doing, and just DO.  All related to the fear of change and waiting until something out of your control takes over to make a decision for you...alllll related.

XOXO & until next time!

SOMETHING I ADORE RIGHT NOW -- (as I try to blog more often again, this is a little section I'm adding to most posts)

Sesame Seed Butter. NOMS! Check out all of the benefits of sesame seeds! SUPER DUPER tasty, to boot! I've been enjoying it as a snack lately on a banana or an apple. By itself, even! Give it a go. It's a tad expensive compared to good ol' fashioned PB but worth it. Lasts much longer, too.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Crazy Cat, Goku.


A concept I've been thinking about of late...BEvolve. Not sure that I actually made this up (but I refuse to Googlie-Googlie it because if it does exists I might feel stupid and then in-turn not blog about it when it's just too important and top of mind for me to ignore).

Basically & broken down, it's the combination of BEING and EVOLVING and doing them SIMULTANEOUSLY. Innately as the person I am, I easily focus on the next thing (posted about this multiple times before) instead of experiencing the now... the present ... what's in front of my face. It's hard to successfully do when you're an anal, type A, planner like myself. Virtually impossible. VIRTUALLY, I said, not ENTIRELY.

Certain activities help me with this practice of just BEING, the first part of our made up conjugation:

- Morning sun sals while the coffee brews from the kitchen & my meditation Pandora station plays softly from my iPhone.

- Aerial Yoga on Saturday mornings, floating effortlessly above the grounded studio floor.

- Even fitness challenges at the gym with my workout group - how long can you hold a plank? You have absolutely no choice but to just focus and breathe during a test like that.

There's a theme here - Physical Activity. You have to focus on the task at hand during any kind of work out. You have to experience the move & perfect the move. You have to be 100% aware of your surroundings and your body. It's part of the allure, I'm sure. It's part of the reason an entire industry is booming with individuals joining gyms; trying new, innovative work outs and classes; wanting to be on the forefront of the next big thing. Whether it's going for a brisk Winter run, taking on a 107 degree Bikram class, or just committing to 30 minutes on an Arch Trainer, that time is yours and it's yours to just BE. Minds will wander inevitably but for me and of recent, I generally zone out and get to a place where the focus isn't on what's in (or not in) the fridge for dinner & if we have enough cat food to last the week. It's attentive to exactly what I'm doing... how many tricep dips can I push to? That sweat burns my eyes. Five more sets of stairs. What is this pain in my knee during jump squats? Feeling. Experiencing. Noticing.

As for the second part of our conjunction...EVOLVE...this is even more complex than it's friend, BEING. It's a process in itself and a long-term one at that. People are ever changing --- maybe not at the core of their person --- but we definitely change as we grow and learn and move around the earth, meeting new people and trying new things, realizing who we actually are and what that even means. And more importantly, when will it change again? And will I be BE there to experience it before it does.

AND BAM...that's where to two words meet. While we're IN a spot, BE IN THAT SPOT before it changes, inevitably. Try to not wish it away or change it. Try to accept it & learn from it, most importantly. Not an easy task, I know. Just something to consider especially if you're an admitted control freak like myself. :)

This was a bit deep so I hope you hung in there with me. Yes, there's a good chance some deep, contemplative nor'easter sweeping up from South Florida has taken me away to another realm (blame my mom and check out her awesome new blog if you have a chance & are up for some existential thoughts But either way, it's interesting to think about and notice about your own self. Trying to do both and really BEvolve as the best Emily I can be while I have my time here = Ultimate goal.

Now, don't go Googling my new word and ruin this for me ;)


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hiya, 2012

What does 2012 bring? Hopefully not a whole bunch of wonky fear about the end of the world. Hopefully more of along the lines of this pretty neat school of thought, brought to you by me but via Yoga On York on this 3rd day of January, 2012:

2012 begins tomorrow and it is one of the most talked about years in our history. It’s the end of the Mayan calendar but the dawn of a new beginning. Many believe we are making a conscious shift to a more spiritual realm and moving forward into a new paradigm as we enter this new age of awareness and enlightenment.

Well faaaantastic! I prefer this theory to it's evil Armageddon-step-sister version ANY day. Whatever helps you sleep at night, right? 

But seriously, lets have a whole lot of awareness and new beginnings, and perhaps a whole lot less of over analyzation (wherever possible), and sad playlists (A'HEM!),  and indecision. For me, I'd like to not be so "one day I'll do this" and "one day I'll be able to do that but not until this other thing happens because it would just be too much and I don't have the money or I don't have the time." NO. JUST NO, EMILY. It's not time or's called BALLS. For once, say "This is what I want and here's how I'm going to get it." Take the damn reins, woman! 

So, that's my plan. Short, fitting post for this new year because I plan on getting back to the basics. Keep it simple and set some meaningful, perhaps not so easy-to-attain-but-totally-worth-it goals that will better your year, life, self. 

Also, give Aerial Yoga at Yoga on York a try and soak in all the goodness the instructors have to share with you during those 90 minutes of "floating above the earth". It's worth it & not as scary as it sounds!