Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hiya, 2012

What does 2012 bring? Hopefully not a whole bunch of wonky fear about the end of the world. Hopefully more of along the lines of this pretty neat school of thought, brought to you by me but via Yoga On York on this 3rd day of January, 2012:

2012 begins tomorrow and it is one of the most talked about years in our history. It’s the end of the Mayan calendar but the dawn of a new beginning. Many believe we are making a conscious shift to a more spiritual realm and moving forward into a new paradigm as we enter this new age of awareness and enlightenment.

Well faaaantastic! I prefer this theory to it's evil Armageddon-step-sister version ANY day. Whatever helps you sleep at night, right? 

But seriously, lets have a whole lot of awareness and new beginnings, and perhaps a whole lot less of over analyzation (wherever possible), and sad playlists (A'HEM!),  and indecision. For me, I'd like to not be so "one day I'll do this" and "one day I'll be able to do that but not until this other thing happens because it would just be too much and I don't have the money or I don't have the time." NO. JUST NO, EMILY. It's not time or money...it's called BALLS. For once, say "This is what I want and here's how I'm going to get it." Take the damn reins, woman! 

So, that's my plan. Short, fitting post for this new year because I plan on getting back to the basics. Keep it simple and set some meaningful, perhaps not so easy-to-attain-but-totally-worth-it goals that will better your year, life, self. 

Also, give Aerial Yoga at Yoga on York a try and soak in all the goodness the instructors have to share with you during those 90 minutes of "floating above the earth". It's worth it & not as scary as it sounds!


1 comment:

  1. Man. You and me, darlin'. Two peas in a pod. "Grow a pair" was in my newest entry, as well. xo
